You're browsing the documentation for an old version of Webiny. Consider upgrading your project to Webiny 5.35.x.


A few days ago, we released the 5.34.1 release, which contained some improvements related to themes, form element rendering in the Page Builder, and more. Unfortunately, some bugs sneaked in, and under certain circumstances, forms and themes would break the website after prerendering.

This urgent 5.34.2 release addresses these issues. All you need to do, if you’re already on 5.34.1, is upgrade the NPM packages. Please see the upgrade guide for instructions. In case you’re on 5.34.0, you can upgrade straight to 5.34.2.

Special thanks goes to Andrew Halliwell external link for reporting an issue with Form Builder, one we were unaware of. It’s been fixed with this patch release 🍻 ❤️